Resilient Brimbank Framework


The Resilient Brimbank Framework (PDF 6.7MB) identifies our commitments and actions we will take to help our community adapt, survive and thrive – whatever the future may bring.

Resilience is our ability to ‘bounce back’ from shocks and stresses that affect us. This framework asks the question ‘How resilient is Brimbank to future challenges?’ and outlines Council’s commitments to build this resilience.

Resilient communities have strong connections and look after each other in good times and through more challenging times.

The framework is our response to the Resilient Melbourne Strategy (PDF 17.8MB) – part of the Resilient Melbourne initiative being delivered by the City of Melbourne with support from other metropolitan Councils, including Brimbank, State Government and the Melbourne community.

It identifies four objectives:

  • working together to address disadvantage and strengthen our community;
  • a dynamic economy;
  • shared places; and
  • supporting a healthy environment. 

It also includes a timeline of events and changes throughout Brimbank’s history that have shaped Brimbank, and those that may impact on the community’s future resilience, connections and strength.

Last updated: 9 May 2023 - 3:58pm