C200 Part 2 – July 2023 Update

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C237brim to the Brimbank Planning Scheme.

This amendment updates the incorporated document titled ‘Grand Junction Estate and Matthew’s Hill Precinct Statement of Significance’ to further extend the expiry date for interim heritage controls for the five properties below to

  • 49 Parsons Street, Sunshine
  • 81 Parsons Street, Sunshine
  • 81 Monash Street, Sunshine
  • 17 Robinson Street, Sunshine
  • 15 Servante Street, Sunshine.

The interim heritage controls were due to expire on 30 June 2023, and have been extended to 31 May 2024. This means the Heritage Overlay requirements apply to these properties until that date.

Any changes to the status and heritage grading of the five properties above will occur through a separate Planning Scheme Amendment and all affected landowners and occupiers will be notified.

A copy of Amendment C237brim (including all approved documents) can be inspected, at the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Past updates

Last updated: 14 December 2023 - 11:43am