If you want to conduct any work in, on, under or over a Council road reserve (previously known as Road opening permit)? You will need to obtain consent from Council.
If the road is an arterial road, including most service roads, the applicant must apply to Department of Transport (DoT) for consent.
Our Register of Public Roads (links to Road Management Plan) lists roads that Council has deemed to be "local access" or “declared arterial” roads. This list will help you identify if you need to apply with us or with Department of Transport (DoT).
Please note: Once consent is issued rectification works must be completed within 90 days of the issue date.
It is the responsibility of the Works Manager to reinstate our assets or any other infrastructure as nearly as practicable to the condition existing before the works. Failure to do so may result in us conducting repairs or maintenance work and recovering costs from the person responsible.
Application fees
- Works in the nature strip only
- 50 km/hr or lower - $95.40
- 60 km/hr or higher - $373.70
- Works in the Council road reserve (road, footpath, crossing)
- 50 km/hr or lower - $373.70
- 60 km/hr or higher - $685.30
- Utility company works only – ‘minor works’ on nature strip and with ‘traffic impact’
- Utility company works only – ‘minor works’ on road pavement and with ‘traffic impact’
- Are you connecting to the Council pit or pipe?
- An inspection fee of $88.80 is payable
What you need to apply
- Description of work – plans showing the location of proposed works detailing all assets
- Current certificate of currency for public liability Insurance with a minimum of $10M (must be valid to cover the period of works
- A credit card to make the payment
Please note: You must immediately stop works if you have stated you are working on the ‘naturestrip only’ and it has been identified you'll need to access the road reserve, footpath, or other Council asset and contact Engineering Services on 9249-4000.
No works are to start until you have received written confirmation that a consent has been issued. This receipt for payment is not your consent.
This form takes about 10 minutes to complete.