The Brimbank Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Action Plan Consultative Committee (BATSICC) provides Council with knowledge and advice on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and needs. This includes the ongoing implementation of Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and strategic direction.
The Committee comprises a total of up to nine members consisting of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal community representatives. Each member has a significant role in supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and a commitment to reconciliation in Brimbank.
It is chaired by a Brimbank Councillor, and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community representative is Co-Chair.
Watch a short video featuring local Aboriginal Elder, Uncle Graham (Boots) Cooper to learn more about the Committee:
The objectives of the Committee are to:
- Provide advice on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Brimbank and inform priorities for discussion.
- Monitor, review and contribute to the update of the Reconciliation Action Plan and other policies relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Brimbank.
- Provide advice on cultural and arts programs and events, including but not limited to Sorry Day, Reconciliation and NAIDOC Week events.
- Provide advice to Council in relation to its communication, engagement and consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Advise on other matters to inform advocacy to other levels of government.
The BATSICC Terms of Reference define responsibilities, composition, and expectations of members.