Experience Brimbank Visitor Strategy


The Experience Brimbank Visitor Strategy 2018-2023 (PDF 1.4MB) is a specific action of the Economic Development Strategy 2016-2020 and contributes to our goal of growing industry and development in the local visitor economy.

The Strategy will become the central focus of our efforts to improve Brimbank’s image as a visitor destination, and aims to:

  • Contribute to improved perceptions about the municipality and build civic pride;
  • Identify and strengthen Brimbank’s key destinations;
  • Provide the basis for a marketing and promotions program to promote Brimbank; particularly to the visiting friends and relatives market;
  • Improve and develop the visitor experience; and
  • Support engagement with key stakeholders and the resident and business community.
Last updated: 19 May 2023 - 9:07am