Reusable nappies have become more user friendly than the reusable nappies of the past. Today, they've been designed to mimic the fit and performance of disposable nappies and suit babies of all shapes and sizes.

Compared to disposable nappies, reusable nappies cost less providing great savings, reduces waste and lowers the impact on the environment.

The Nappy Project workshop

Expecting a new baby or have little ones in nappies? Come along to a free workshop and learn everything you need to know about modern reusable nappies.

The workshops are part of The Nappy Project which Brimbank is delivering in collaboration with 13 other Victorian councils. The Nappy Project is on a mission to help everyone feel confident using modern reusable nappies - and in a way that works for you.

Workshops in Brimbank are being held between September and November 2023, and everyone who attends a workshop will receive a complimentary starter kit.

There's also online information, resources and guides available, to help answer all your questions about the types of nappies available, washing and how to fit them to your bub.

Register for a workshop at The Nappy Project website.

Last updated: 10 December 2023 - 7:31pm